3 Makalu packages found

bullet head 350cc Royal enfield

Bullet 350cc trip: mythical Royal Enfield

Accompanied trip

The legendary Royal Enfield or 'Bullet' 350.cc   A motorcycle trip is a very original way to discover Nepal...

yeti trip

In the Yeti Footstep

On The Trail Of The Yeti: Mystery Solved? The yeti, also known as the "abominable snowman", is an anthropomorphic...

  • ...
00 days
Level 5
Adventure , Nature , Trekking
Makalu Base camp

Makalu Base Camp 1 (MBC)

Accompanied trip

Makalu Base Camp 1 (MBC)   Mount Makalu is the fifth highest mountain in the world (8,481 m) and...

  • Great views of the Cascades Mountains, suspension bridges an...
  • Makalu Barun National Park....
17 days
Level 3
Nature , Trekking