It must still be valid for at least 6 months after your return (or after the date on which you applied for your visa or entered the country, depending on your nationality).
The visa:
This is obtained either before departure in your own country, or at each border post and at Kathmandu airport.
You will need to pay $30 for a 15-day visa, $50 for a 30-day visa and $125 for a 90-day visa (multiple entry for all visas). Payable in dollars or euros. Free for children under 10. Expect to wait in high season (March-April and October-November).
A tip to save time and avoid long queues and unnecessary problems: shortly before departure (less than 15 days before), download the form from Immigration Immigration(
Immigration (, or directly Online Services (
And so we strongly advise you to follow our advice and finally opt for E-Visas, which are very quick on arrival. Read our special section on this subject: –E-Visas click HERE-.
You can submit a full visa application form online to the Nepal Immigration Authority on your first attempt! To do this, here are a few things you need to prepare:
Keep your valid passport handy.
Prepare a recent digital photo (size: 4x4cm) in your removable device to upload your photo for the application.
Gather in advance a detailed permanent residence address, and a detailed address in Nepal.
You need to provide your landline and mobile phone numbers.
You must also provide your email address.
The submitted application will remain in the system for 15 days. After 15 days, the application will be automatically deleted from the system. Once the request has been successfully submitted, a receipt will immediately be sent to your e-mail address.
Print out the receipt and keep it with you, as you will need to present it to the immigration authorities. For your convenience, the deadline for contacting the immigration authority will be mentioned on the receipt. The receipt will also state which documents you must produce to the immigration authority. Please contact the immigration authority within 15 days of submitting your application. For example, if you submit your extension application today and your visa expires the next day, on the third day, if you go to the immigration authority, you will have to pay a late fee for that day. To avoid this kind of hassle, please submit your extension application on time and have your visa renewed before the expiry date. When you contact the immigration authority, make sure you have the receipt and the appropriate documents with you, including the necessary fees.
No visa on arrival for the list of countries – AFG,IRQ,CMR,GHA,SOM,SWZ,PSE,ZWE,NGA,ETH,LBR
“” is also there to help you with the process.
Print the receipt with the barcode, and once at Kathmandu airport, present it at the visa payment counter. This system only works at Kathmandu airport, not at land borders.
The tourist visa allows a maximum stay of 3 months. It can then be extended each month up to a total of 150 days of cumulative presence in the country over a calendar year. To obtain an extension, go to the Immigration Office in Kathmandu or Pokhara. Information at Take all the necessary steps yourself and firmly refuse any help that you may be offered (for a fee, of course) by certain people to help you obtain your visa more quickly (which would be unjustified and would hamper attempts to curb corruption).
The visa authorises you to travel wherever there are roads or tracks. However, you will need an access permit for certain areas (Mustang, Dolpo, Manaslu, Annapurna, Everest, etc.), and a trekking permit is always required, with formalities varying according to the trip.
-More information HERE Tims card-
The regulations governing these permits change frequently. They may change again, so it’s worth checking before each trip.